We know that sometimes you might like to offer discounts as an incentive for students to sign up early or for additional classes. Or perhaps you're interested in using scholarships to discount the entire cost of a class for certain students. You can do all of these by using Promo Codes!Please note: Promo codes apply to your entire catalog and affect the student’s whole order– not just a particular course. For class-specific adjustments to price, we recommend using price-adjusting options.
Promo Codes discount the price of a class (or classes) by either a percentage amount or a dollar amount.
A Promo Code that is applicable to "All Classes" will discount every class in the Cart.
A Promo Code that is applicable to "Specific Classes" will discount only classes in the Cart that match the Class Type assigned to that Promo Code.
Note |
NOTE: Promo Codes are applied to individual class prices, not overall Cart totals. Example: If a Cart contains three classes that cost $50 each, and a Promo Code applicable to all classes for a $25 discount is applied, the student will get a total discount of $75 ($25 per class) for a final Cart cost of $75. |
To create a promo code, use the following steps:
Once logged in, click on
thethe Admin Menu
buttonbutton, hover over More in the Registrations section. From here, click Promo Codes.
In the Promo Codes screen, you can either edit existing promo codes or add new ones. To edit, simply click on the code name, make your changes, then save. To add a new promo code, click on
thethe + Add Promo Code button at the top of the screen.
On the next screen, fill in the details of your promo code:
Enter the code you'd like your students to enter during registration to receive the discount. We recommend choosing something distinctive but easy to remember
likelike EARLY BIRD 2014
oror Senior Discount. Spaces are okay and capitalization doesn’t matter.
Enter either the dollar amount or percentage you would like to take off when the code is used. For example: a $5.00 off would discount each class by $5.00.
Click on
thethe Add Promo Code button to save.
If you would like the promo code to be added to a specific class, select the checkbox next to Apply only to specific classes, you can select the classes on the following screen:
Info |
NOTE: If you have the Sessions plugin enabled on your site, the "add a class" search in the class-specific promo code setup screen will display only the first session date of the class. This is to identify the class itself in the search results (as some programs offer multiple classes with the same name). When the class is selected for the promo code, all the sessions of that class are eligible for the promo code, not just the first session date that is displayed in the search results. |
Still not making sense? Try this video:
Widget Connector | ||