In some cases, you may have classes that you don’t want to accept online registrations for. With CourseStorm you can still post these classes online, without giving students the ability to register on the site.

The registration button can be exchanged for a box that says “Online Registration Unavailable.”

There is one setting that allows this to happen, and here is how to adjust this setting: 

  1. Log in to your administrator menu and navigate to the “Classes” page. 

  2. Click on the class that is showing the “Registration Unavailable.” 

  3. Click “Edit.” 

  4. Click “Info and Photo.” 

  5. Uncheck the box that says “Registrable Online.” 

This checkbox toggles the option for the class to be registerable online. You can check off this if you would like to have certain courses advertised on CourseStorm, but require an alternative means for registration. This often comes into play when a registration requires the submission of sensitive personal documents from the student.

If you follow those steps, your class should now be able to take registrations online. If you are still having issues after completing the above steps, please reach out to CourseStorm support.