This article will show you how to view students' records, meaning past registrations, payment details, and more.

From the Students section of the administrator menu, you can click on a student's name to open their profile. From there, you can view all of their contact information, standard form information, friends and family, recent registrations, waiting list applications, and saved payment methods. Note that not all of these examples are pictured below as this site had no standard form, and the student did not have a saved payment method.

From this page, you can update the student's information by clicking Actions and Update Information. You can also remove stored payment methods or click on any student’s Recent Registrations for more information.

Clicking on one of the student's recent registrations or waiting list applications will bring you to a page containing information on that particular registration.

You can issue refunds, cancel registrations, and transfer students by clicking Actions in the top right corner of this page.

You can also click on See Details to view registration details and payment activity.

The Details screen shows a complete list of all the information collected during the registration process. You'll be able to see contact information and any custom registration questions you've asked each student to answer.

The Activity screen shows a history of the registration since the time it was placed. We also show any refunds and any payments if the registration was completed with a payment plan. Any upcoming payments and the dates on which they're scheduled to be paid will show up here, too. If a student is using a payment plan, you can also reschedule installments from here.

These are some excellent tools for keeping track of your students and their registrations. If there is something you are looking for and not seeing, export your registrations report as it has even more detailed information.