How To: Prepare Your Catalog Spreadsheet for Import

To help your catalog import process go as smoothly as possible, we’ve created this How-To Guide.  Read on for some handy tips and tricks!

Table of Contents:

Blank Template Downloads

For a blank copy of CourseStorm’s official importer template, view the link below.

If you are using the sessions plugin, use this importer instead:

Did you know that your existing CourseStorm catalog makes a great template for catalog imports?  

When preparing to bulk import your classes, we recommend that you export your current catalog from CourseStorm and save it to your computer as a template.  For step-by-step instructions on how to export your current catalog, please view our Help Article on that topic here: How To: Export My Class Catalog

Once your catalog is exported, you can use your preferred spreadsheet-editing software to clear out the old data, leaving the column headings in place.  Now you have a template to enter data for your new courses!

Similarly, if any of your past classes will recur in your upcoming catalog, you can leave in the relevant data (like class name and description) and simply update the dates, times, etc. in the template.

Wait! I want to use another export (such as MaineSTARS) or my own spreadsheet template to import my classes into CourseStorm. Can I do that instead of creating my own template?  
Yes, it is possible to use another catalog export (such as MaineSTARS) or your own template to import classes into your CourseStorm site, but the formatting guidelines described below will be necessary!  Exports from external sites and other templates are not automatically compatible with the CourseStorm import tool, so these formatting changes will be needed prior to import.

Formatting Guidelines for Your Catalog Template

When you’re ready to add new class data to your catalog template, review these formatting details to ensure that CourseStorm can accurately import your data on the first try!  (Reminder: these formatting details are crucial if you are using your own template or an external catalog template like MaineSTARS!)

  • The CSV file format works better than the XLS or XLSX formats. This is because exporting your spreadsheet in a CSV format will remove any hidden formatting that can be present in the XLS formats.

  • Any extra columns should be deleted from the spreadsheet.

  • Each column should have a header (the label at the top of the column).  CourseStorm uses these to map the data to the correct fields in your catalog.

  • CourseStorm does not recognize blank fields in the Price column. If this column is empty, the system will display an error.

    • Prices can be formatted as $1 or $1.00.

    • Free classes can be listed as FREE, Free, $0, or $0.00.

    • Using N/A or TBD in the price column will display a “price not available” badge on the class description page.

  • The YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY formats work best for dates. If the system does not recognize the date format, an error will be displayed with suggestions for date formatting.

  • All classes must have both a start date and an end date. One-day classes should have the same date for the start and end dates.

  • For class times, the AM or PM designation is required unless the time is written in 24-hour clock format.

  • The “Class Type” Column refers to either the standard form or class-specific form associated with a class.

    • To associate a class with only the Standard Form, enter “Regular Class” or leave the field blank.

    • To associate a class with a class-specific form (in addition to the Standard form), type the name of the class-specific form.

      • If the form already exists, the importer will auto-assign the class to it. (Make sure to use the exact name as shown in your Admin Menu – typos will result in a new form being created.)

      • If the form does not exist, the importer will create a blank form with the name entered in the spreadsheet.

  • To list a class in multiple existing categories, the categories must be written on separate lines in the cell in the spreadsheet. Tip: Use Command+Return in Google Sheets to jump to the next line within the same cell.

  • To list the class in nested categories, the categories should be listed with a “>” between them.

    • When you list a class in a nested category in the spreadsheet, CourseStorm will automatically list the class in both the parent and the child categories in the nested hierarchy. You don’t have to list the parent category separately in the spreadsheet.

  • If your site is part of a network with shared categories, make sure the categories in your spreadsheet match the network parent site's category names exactly.

  • For classes with unlimited seats, the Max Seats column can be left blank or can contain the word “unlimited.”

  • Images are required for Featured classes. If an image is missing, or if the image does not meet the size requirements, an error will display.

  • Fields with a "Yes/No" response can be formatted as “yes,” “Yes,” “YES,” “y,” “Y,” (and corresponding notations for “no”). Alternatively, these fields can recognize “1” for “yes” and “0” for “no.”

  • The Visibility column can be formatted in any of the following ways (not case-sensitive):

    • Public classes: "public", "visible", "shown", "show", "yes", "y", "1”

    • Hidden classes: "unlisted", "private", "hidden", "hide", "no", "n", "0"

When in doubt, you can export a copy of one of your old CourseStorm catalogs (if you have one), to get a visual sense of the ideal formatting for each column.

Formatting Guidelines for our Sessions Plugin

If you use our Sessions plug-in to list multiple sessions of classes, you can still import your catalog using the standard import process.  Here are some specific formatting guidelines for importing a spreadsheet with multiple sessions.

  • List each class session in your spreadsheet as though it were its own separate class (as you would for any class).  Each class session must be in its own row in the spreadsheet.

  • Every class must have a Session name, even if that class has just one session.

To ensure that CourseStorm “reads” your sessions as multiple sessions of the same class, make sure that the following columns are identical for each session.

  • Class Name

  • Description

  • Price

  • Class Type

  • Categories

  • Instructor

  • Location

  • Room

  • Max Seats

  • Min Seats

  • Image URL

  • Featured

  • Kids Class

  • Register Online

  • Continuous Enrollment 

Note: It’s especially important to make sure there are no extra spaces or typos in these fields.  If unique information is found in any of the columns listed above, CourseStorm will interpret that row as a unique standalone class, not as a session within a multi-session class.  

The only columns that can contain unique information for each session are these:

  • Session Name

  • Start/End Date

  • Start/End Time

  • Length in Weeks

  • Days of Week

Importing Your Catalog

When your new catalog spreadsheet is prepared according to the guidelines described above, you’re ready to import!

For a step-by-step guide on importing your prepared catalog, check out our Help Article on the topic here: Importing Classes