How To: Display Your Classes on Your Own Website

How To: Display Your Classes on Your Own Website

If you already have a really awesome website, you may not want your customers leaving it to browse through your class catalog.  We totally understand and give you several ways to showcase your classes on your existing website.

Click on the link below that describes how you’d like to showcase your classes, and we’ll show you how to make it happen!

I want to…

  • Click on a link on my website or in an email that will take me to my CourseStorm site or a specific class on my CourseStorm site.  You need the Simple Link
  • Have my CourseStorm classes show on the website I already have, and I use WordPress. You want the CourseStorm WordPress Plugin
  • Have my CourseStorm classes show on the website I already have, and I DON’T use WordPress. You want our CourseStorm Widget
  • Display a calendar of upcoming classes that I’m offering. Calendar Feeds are great for this!

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