How To: Manage User Accounts
Adding, updating, and removing users is simple to do from the administration area. Just follow the steps below.
Adding a User
To invite a user to be an administrator for your site, just click Users under Account in the admin menu. From here, click Invite User and fill out their info. Once you've invited the user, they'll automatically receive an email with instructions about how to set up their account, getting logged in, and how to get started using CourseStorm.
Note: if the person you've invited reports that they haven't received their invitation email, we recommend double-checking the address you entered, making any necessary changes, and then clicking Re-send Invite from the list screen.
Updating a User's Account Info
From the Users screen, just click on the name of any user in your account. From here, you'll be able to update their name and email address whenever you need to make a change. You'll also be asked to select the role the user has in your organization. (The role you choose will not change the functionality or permissions they have while administering CourseStorm.)
Removing a User
If you have someone on your staff who is no longer around, you can easily remove them from the admin area. From the Users screen, just click the name of the user you'd like to remove. From here, you'll be able to remove them from the system.