How to Contact our Support Team

If you are not finding the exact answer you need while browsing CourseStorm’s help site, you can always reach out to our support team. On average CourseStorm support will respond to an email within an hour; you can make a phone call as well.

A member of our support team will be available to you between the hours of 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M eastern standard time.

There are three ways to contact support:

Give us a call:

You can call our support line at +1 (207) 866-0328.

If for some reason, CourseStorm support is not able to take your call, you will be able to leave a voicemail. A member of the support team will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Send us an email:

You can always reach out to us via email by sending your message to

We recommend including some basic information about your program, in the email, such as subdomain, your first and last name, and the level of urgency.

Submit a request from our help site:

You can submit a support request directly from our help site, as well. Just scroll down to the bottom of the homepage on, and fill out the submission form.

This is the most efficient way to reach us, as all the important info we need is required to submit the request.

Click this link for a video with more information: