Rescheduling payment dates for payment plans
Can a student's payment dates be changed after a student has registered with a payment plan?
Yes! An Admin User can reschedule payments on individual student payment plans. Just follow these steps:
Navigate to the student's registration in the Admin Menu. The plan can be accessed by searching for the student and clicking on the class in their Registrations list, by navigating to the Registrations list and clicking on the student's name, or by navigating to the class, clicking on the roster, then clicking on the student to access their registration.
In the student's Registration Info pop-up screen, click "See Details."
Click "Activity" to display a list of completed and upcoming payments.
Upcoming payments have a pencil icon next to them.
Click the pencil icon to open the calendar scheduler.
Click on the desired payment date.
Click "Reschedule" to confirm.