Custom Location Information

You can include custom Location information in your registration receipts and class reminder emails. You may use this to provide instructions on how to enter a building, provide a virtual meeting room link, or any other information that you may want to share with your students about the location of their class.

How to add custom Location information

Navigate to Admin Menu > Catalog > More > Locations to see your Locations List.

  • When adding a new location: In the Locations list, click the “Add Location” button in the upper left corner. Enter your custom info in the “Directions/Arrival Information” text box.

  • For an existing location: Click on the Location Name in the list. Click “See Actions” and “Edit.” The Location Info screen will open. Enter or update your custom info in the “Directions/Arrival Information” text box.


Connecting your Location to a class: When creating a class, you will be prompted to select a Location during the “Info & Photo” section of the CourseStorm class builder.

You can also change the Location on existing classes at any time by clicking on the class > clicking Edit > and Info & Photo. This will bring up a prompt that allows you to set the Location of the class. Make sure you have your Locations set correctly, so your students are given the proper information.

Need more info? Click here for a video.