Using a widget allows you to add this type of display on your site by copying and pasting a few lines of code into your web editor.
Compatibility: All current versions of IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Simple List Widget
To display a simple list of your upcoming classes, just copy and paste the following snippet into your web editor (making sure to replace [your-organization] with the address of your CourseStorm catalog).
<script src="https://[your-organization].coursestorm.com/js/embed/embed.js" id="coursestorm-embed-script"></script> <div class="coursestorm-widget" data-cs-widget-type="class-list"></div>
By default, this widget will display the closest upcoming 5 classes in your catalog and link them to their registration pages on CourseStorm.
If you want to go beyond the “simple” look you can configure this widget simply and easily using display options.