CourseStorm Plug-ins

CourseStorm Plug-ins

What are CourseStorm plugins? 

You can think of a plugin as an enhancement that not everyone needs, or wants. You can compare a plugin to a snowplow attached to the front of a truck. The person doing the plowing needs this enhancement while an average person doesn’t. It would be unfair for a plow company to force every vehicle to have one attached each winter when only specific people need them. This is why we create certain features as plugins rather than overcomplicating things for certain programs by requiring them to adjust to a significant change they don’t need or want. 

How do I enable plugins? 

You cannot enable a plugin on your own; no place in the admin menu allows you to access plugins. You will need to contact support@coursestorm.com and request the feature be enabled. We will be happy to connect your site to the plugin, and other than reaching out to us, the process will require no more effort on your side!

What plugins are available?

Class Sessions Plugin: 

  • Allows for multiple sessions to be listed under one class. 

  • If a program offers the same class ten times in one quarter, it would be tedious to add the course to your catalog ten times, with ten different dates. 

  • With the sessions plugin, you can add the class once, and students can choose which session to register for. 

Auto-Marketing Email: 


These are the two plugins we currently have available for use with CourseStorm. They can make a world of difference for specific programs, and you can decide if they will benefit you. If you would like to enable either of these plugins or discuss them further, please reach out to support.

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