For customers with more advanced needs, CourseStorm offers a fully-open REST API. This provides your development staff an immense amount of flexibility and power. With this API, you can integrate with internal systems for record keeping, data syncing, and more. Our REST API provides secure access to all of your data including classes, students, registrations, categories, locations, and instructors.
API User Accounts
To access the API, you need at least one API User Account.
If you are accessing the API for the first time, please email to request an initial API User Account.
If you already have at least one API User Account set up on your CourseStorm site, the site's Account Owner can create additional API Users by following the steps below.
Only Account Owners have the ability to create API User Accounts, and your site must be launched. Account Owners cannot add API Users while in Demo Mode, even if initial API Users have been added previously. If you need to add an API User while in demo mode, email and our staff can add one for you.Â
Account Owners can follow these steps to create an API User Account:
Log in to your CourseStorm site.Â
Click on the Admin Menu button, navigate to the Account section, hover over Users, and click API Users.
ÂClick Add API User on the top left.Â
Add the name and email address of the individual that will be using the API. Then click Add API User.
Note: The API User email address cannot be an email address that is already associated with a regular CourseStorm admin Account. If the API User also has a regular CourseStorm admin Account, you can use an alternate email or use plus addressing. Plus addressing allows you to create a unique email address that will receive email at your base address. For example:Â
Base Address =
Plus Address =
Learn more about plus addressing here. Â
Accessing the API
Once you add an API User, they will receive an email prompting them to access their API Account. Once they accept access via the email, CourseStorm will assign them a unique API password and provide the API endpoint address.Â
We recommend saving a copy of the API credentials in a secure location. If needed, you can resend the API credentials through the API Users page in CourseStorm.Â