Working with Check or Cash Payments

Working with Check or Cash Payments

For students who register through the CourseStorm site, the default payment option is via credit/debit card.  Administrators always have the option to register a student via the Admin Menu with a cash/check payment option.

Administrators may choose to allow students to register themselves online with a check or cash payment instead of a credit card.  This will allow the student to complete their registration on the site without immediate payment, and will require that the student provide payment directly to the program.

When a student registers using the enabled “cash/check” payment option, their registration receipt includes a reminder that payment is due directly to the program.

NOTE: Although this feature in CourseStorm is labeled “pay by check,” it can also be used to allow the program to accept registrations with cash payments.

Enabling the “Pay by Check” Option

In the Admin Menu, navigate to Account > Settings > General.

In the pop-up window, the “Allow the public to pay by check” option may be toggled on/off by checking or unchecking the box.  Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the pop-up window when finished.  

This setting applies to all visible classes in a program’s catalogs and can be changed anytime.

Note: The option to register a student with a cash/check payment is always available to Admin Users in their Admin Menu, whether the “allow the public to pay by check” box is checked or not.

The Admin cash/check payment option also includes a “Mark as Paid” option on the screen. The student cash/check payment option does NOT include the ability to mark themselves as “Paid.” Only Admin Users can mark a registration as “Paid.”

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