Low Enrollment Notifications

Low Enrollment Notifications

Here at CourseStorm HQ, we consider it our job to make it simple for students to find and connect to your great classes.  So, as you might imagine, we're about as disappointed as anyone when a class has to cancel because there just aren't enough students who connected.  It's not great for you and your team who have worked hard to make the class available, it's not great for the instructor excited to share their knowledge, and it's not great for the students who were really looking forward to attending!

Well, thankfully, built into CourseStorm is a great way to help you cancel fewer classes, automatically!

How to cancel fewer classes

There's a tried and true method used by great programs to cancel fewer classes: make sure everyone knows when a class is in danger of cancellation.  And it makes sense -- no one is interested in seeing a class cancel, so the more people who know it's a possibility, the more people you have working to make sure it doesn't happen.

We understand that it can be very time-consuming for you and your team to stay on top of this.  Thankfully, CourseStorm will handle all the work for you!

How does it work?

As you might expect, the entire process is automatic.  Every day, CourseStorm checks out your enrollments and identifies classes 7 days or less from their start date that have yet to reach their minimum enrollment.  The system then sends out notifications to each class's greatest evangelists -- the instructor running the class and students who've already signed up for it!

The notifications let each party know that the class needs just a few more people to meet minimum enrollment and gives a couple of tips for how to spread the word to those who might be interested.

At the same time, CourseStorm will send Admin Users designated to receive Registration notifications an email as well, giving you the heads-up with some recommended ways to further promote the class.

The result? You've now got a group of the most excited people working together to keep this class from canceling and you didn't have to lift a finger!

CourseStorm will repeat the process above daily, and will send out the low-enrollment notification to any individuals who have not yet received it. Any new students who register while the minimum is still not met, and any new Admin Users (or Admin Users who are newly-designated to receive Registration notifications), will receive one copy of the low-enrollment email prior to the class’s start date. Individuals who have already been sent the low-enrollment notification will not receive any more copies of it.

To view a sample of each type of notification email, right-click on the image and select “Open Image in New Tab.”


Sample Student Email


Sample Instructor Email


Sample Admin Email



Note: Instructors will only receive this email if they have an email address in the system, if you have instructor notifications enabled, and if they haven't unsubscribed from these notifications in the past.

Opting Out

We think this feature is so powerful and useful that we've enabled it by default.  However, we know that some organizations prefer a bit more control.  If that's you, worry no longer.  It's easy to opt out of these automatic emails by going to Settings > Notifications and unchecking the box next to Enrollment Notifications.

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